Archive for August, 2012

Hi Greenzoners, about the question about wind farms
The country with the highest amount of them is… China. 🙂

No one predicted it? 😉

Dear Greenzoners. 🙂

We sent information  about the prizes in Best Of Contest. All highest scores turned out to be valid.
We require everyone who won a prize to fill his shipping address in his profile.

Congratulations to all winners and thank you for participating. 🙂

Dear users,

We have just finished gzDefender “Best Of” Contest and  we already know the winners. The list of winners will be shown after checking the game scores and going through game logs of every user.
We will send the information regarding prizes to every user, who got score from top 5. Users that took places 5-10 will be rewarded with surprise prizes. 😉

Congratulations to everyone!

Greenzoner Team.

How’s the Best Of?

August 15th, 2012

So, what do you think about Best Of contest for now, while it’s still on? Tough competition? 😀

Best Of contest prolonged

August 15th, 2012

Hi Greenzoners, we give one day more for “Best Of” contest – after this change, “Best Of” will end at gzDay 806 at 16.00.

Hello Greenzoners, most of you have probably seen or heard about wind power plants. Yes, these big, white windmills, for some beautiful, for others ugly and destroying the landscape. 😉

wind farm

Anyway, here are some facts about wind power plants you may not have known 😀 (more…)

The landing on Mars had a great impact – not only on Mars’ surface ( 😉 ) but also on the internet. Just look what we’ve found 😀 :

Photos of Mars

The great mystery of life on Mars finally revealed, along with first Martian protests 🙂 (more…)

Best Of contest tomorrow!

August 12th, 2012

Best Of contest will be launched tomorrow! Stay tuned and get ready! 🙂

The whole contest will start at gzTime 10:00 AM gzDay 803 and end at gzTime 04:00 PM gzDay 805.

We wish you good luck! 😉

Hello Greenzoners! We landed on Mars! 😀
Or rather not us but Mars rover called Curiosity, that landed on August 6, 05:17 (US time) on the surface of Mars. Whole mission to transport Curiosity safely to Red Planet took 9 months, space ship covered the distance of 563,000,000 km.

Curiosity rover (more…)

Meteor show 2012

August 11th, 2012

Hi Greenzoners! Were you watching meteor shower yesterday? 😉 Maybe some of you captured it on photos? 🙂