Hello Guys! Holidays coming so our Christmas Contest 2015.
We have gifts for you! Firstly you can register in our site without getting 50000 score in GZ Defender. Moreover, you can win one of the extra Greenzoner T-shirts.
Hello Guys! Holidays coming so our Christmas Contest 2015.
We have gifts for you! Firstly you can register in our site without getting 50000 score in GZ Defender. Moreover, you can win one of the extra Greenzoner T-shirts.
Hi guys!
Today we have for all of you our special news! Are you ready to win some extra goddies? Just prepare to Christmas Contest 2015 !
Really interesting awards are waiting for you, but before capturing them, you should preparing for the game! Small tip – practise your reflex in GZ Defender.
For more information visit the blog on next Monday (21.12.2015). We cannot betray for you too much, but we will say only good results are the key to success!
Are you in?!
Be patient and follow us on FB and G+, exactly we will tell you more details. So please visit our blog and fanpages… Keep Green!
Fingers crossed!! Good luck for all!
Hi all! Did you read our post about walking in forests? Today we want to encourage to help the nature. The nature requires our help still and we often forget about it walking in the middle forests and places which are neglected.
Hi all! Did you read our post about gardens here? If you ever dreamed about flight to unknown planets you can discover a lots of interesting things there. Cosmos space is full of many exceptional mysteries.
Scientists incessantly are working above so that discover them and prove that living on other planets exists. If at any time you believed or you hoped to it that a strange civilization was in an space now you must know that it is quite probable. Incessantly a research on checking whether living in the other space exists lasts. From the year for the year interest with extraterrestrial life is growing, and NASA still continuing his examinations. The newest experiments are showing that a fighting chance exists to so that other planets in the universe are inhabited.
Hi there! Did you see our post about rubbish in mountains? Today I would like to share you with new theme! Plants in USA are needed your help! What’s that?!
Hello all! Did you remember our post about travel to Safari? Today we have other theme! Tourists which love mountains often wander and aren’t keeping an eye on it, that this place is slowly becoming a garbage dump.