Hello Greenzoners, as we know, actions preserving our environment should be taken. 😉
In Africa is going to be created the biggest preservation park in the world, called The Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area… or shortly, juz KAZA.
It will contain 36 (!) national parks, many wildlife and tourism area.
It’s going to be located in a southern Africa, and the size of this entire enterprise will be bigger than the size of Italy! This idea was given green light by the leaders of five African nations – Angola, Botstwana, Zambia, Namibia and Zimbabwe. This project is going to be financially supported by WWF (World Wildlife Funding) and also become giant tourist area, which also will help the projects’ budget.
Ecologists say it’s a brilliant idea… but hard to realize. As they said, noble ideas require some skills. And in some countries undertakings like this failed.
Even if conservationists are a little sceptical, Greenzoner is really optimistic and wish them good luck!
Found on http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/travelnews/2012/03/pictures/120327-africa-parks-conservation/
What do you think about it, Greenzoners? 🙂
Tags: Belovezhskaya Pushcha, berg, bios, bulbs, bulls, burning, burying, butterflies, butterfly
good day all, why should I knock a 404 error when I go to a page with the tasks or want to invite my friends?
Does it always occur?
Good news 🙂
happy to know that.
esta buena esta pagina