Posts Tagged ‘bar’

gzDefender cheating issue!

April 26th, 2012

Hello Greenzoners!

We had some problems with gzDefender game, technical issues – it’s fixed now. Also, two users were cheating that helped them get high score – we detected that but the users are given another chance, they are not banned, yet their score has been removed.

Week Contest is getting closer and closer to the end, and remember – any cheating (no matter what method do you use) will be detected. So, please don’t cheat and play fair ;).

Good luck, Greenzoners!

Hello Greenzoners! 😀

Are you having fun steering your GZ Truck? Because Week Contest is going to an end, and soon there will be a summary. Remember – best players from Week Contests will be able to participate in Best Of contest, so don’t stop your effort and save Mother Nature once again. And remember: iPods Touch 4g 8GB are waiting… 😉

Keep Green!

Week Contest has started!

April 20th, 2012

Dear users, we have just started the first edition of gzDefender Week Contest!



April 19th, 2012

Hello back again, Greenzoners. 🙂

Our server is fixed. Week Contest will be launched tomorrow. Get ready! 😉

Changing the server :)

April 19th, 2012

Hello Greenzoners!

Thank you for playing GZ Defender – judging by the amount of the players, it was a great idea. 🙂 So, as we want it to run more smoothly and fix problems, we need to change the server, in the same way as it was during January Redemption. Stay patient – after that, game won’t have problems with huge amounts of players and we’ll launch Week Contest. (We remind you: the prize is iPod Touch 4G 8GB!) 😉

Thank you for playing the game!

Dear Greenzoners!

We hope you like playing GZ Defender – in a few days we will launch Week Contest, in which the users with 1000+EEP and top 50 high score will partake. And the prize is iPod Touch 4G 8GB!
So… get behind the wheel of your GZ Truck and good luck! 😀

Week Contest soon!

April 10th, 2012

Hello Greenzoners!

We are glad that you liked gzDefender game. It really pleases us, that it gained popularity among you, even though there were some errors in it. We successfully fixed them, but if we missed some detail that doesn’t work… send us an e-mail. 😉

Within a few days we will launch the first edition of Week Contest, during which we will get to know first 50 challengers who will apply for winning free prizes – iPods Touch 4G 8GB! 😀

GZ Defender is finally up!

April 4th, 2012

Hello Greenzoners! 😀

The GZ Defender contest has already started! By playing this video game, your quest is to save Mother Nature from vicious dozens of waste. The best players will be rewarded with amazing prizes, like iPod Touch 8GB 4G!
iPod Touch 8GB 4G

Introducing GZ Defender!

March 24th, 2012

Hello Greenzoners! 😀 gzdefender

Spring has begun! Judging by the answers for the latest question, it is the favourite  season for most of you. For that occasion, we offer you something new in Greenzoner: GzDefender! (more…)