Posts Tagged ‘best’

Polar bears…

July 9th, 2015

Hi to all! Have you ever seen our post about parrots? If not, check it now here. Polar bears are seems so nice, but in fact the contact with them can end really dangerously. Watch out!


Lovely parrots

July 6th, 2015

Hello Greenz guys! Here is our prev post, read it. Are you ready for new post? Parrots are very exotic birds which very difficult conditions sometimes have to the life.


Problem with forests….

June 25th, 2015

Hello all! Today we have something new for you and we want talking about forests. But first, check our last post. Forests are a very beautiful place on of walk or finding the inspiration. However not many people appreciate their beauty and is able to do something good for the nature.


Secrets of volcanoes…

May 11th, 2015

Hi all! Did you read our last post about acid rain? If not, click here to read this. Today we want invite you to new post about secrets of volcanoes. Are you exciting?



April 27th, 2015

Hi all! Did you remember our post about visiting old towns.  We have today new post about allergies. The spring is really difficult for persons which have allergy and are fighting with them since the long time.

Pollens of flowers as well as many other reasons most often cause allergy. In spite of the fact that still doctors are trying to care for patients with allergy she often returns and causes that the organism is defenceless.Allergies are really serious and the generality of people which is making up its mind for the resignation from the treatment can have health serious consequences then really.  Everything what you can do is very important to it health really. Do it today and don’t wait. Take care of your health so that your organism far better bears allergies. So let’s start today and doing all for your health! Not for a year. Today!

More info about allergies:

Old towns…

April 24th, 2015

Hi all! Did you remember our last post about discovering new places? Time for travels around the world! Be brave and let’s start our adventures now. There are many cities which are being left worldwide.

For example Detroit. The city had big financial problems and went bankrupt. Quite a lot of people left them, until at last the situation of the city was enough difficult, that people had decided to leave somewhere else. It is really a difficult situation for the city which some year ago was a huge financial power. Today only what it can show off the highest level of crime and many buildings vacated by people. It is really amazing and difficult to understand why the city so suddenly is depreciating and is turning into the ruin. In the world of such depopulated places there is a whole lot. So that live in major cities is best to try to save in every possible way.

Discovering new places

April 21st, 2015

Hi all! Check our post about living in Alaska. Today we want to discovering new places on our amazing planet. Certainly you know that we have many amazing countries on our world. What we can help them to develop?


Living in Alaska

April 17th, 2015

Hello Greenzoners!! Did you remember our post about paintful headaches here? Living in Alaska at the beginning perhaps to be really great. Do you know what? Living there is certainly a cool adventure. Are you ready?

But it is worthwhile remembering that life full of adventures in surrounding animals can be also dangerous and therefore we should concentrate on taking care of our safety. Alaska is the most beautiful place on the world, right? With angry beers, colds and many other things. Living in Alaska we must take into account the fact that wild animals can be a real threat for us. If we are caring for in order to live with them in the agreement won’t certainly attack us. But if we decide on it in order to provoke them the situation can be boring. It is really quite risky. And let us remember, that living there we not have to take into account only a beauty of the nature, but also the restriction.

More info:

About rats!

April 7th, 2015

Hi all! Did you remember our last post about HIV? Check it here. On the planet we have a lots of animals but rats are the most awful animals ever. Do you agree with this? Read new post about their life!


Hi all! Can you check our yesterday post about homeless animals living in streets? Ecology nowadays very well is developed, but can always be developed even better. If you have a small garden – you are doing something good not only for oneself, but also for the environmental circle.

The same with feeding animals, planting flowers in parks and many other things which can to help ecology. If you are ready to act and to do something good for green world really it is worthwhile doing everything whatever possible for world and the nature still more to become more beautiful.Many people don’t feel like caring about ecology out and haven’ many ideas. But it is really nothing large and to start you can at any time, it will be sufficient only to have a moment of the time every day to do something beneficial for world.

More info: