Posts Tagged ‘birds migration’

Oops ;)

December 21st, 2012

End of the world

Paradise falls

Another beautiful piece of nature.

By the way, any of you Greenzoner believe that the world is going to end? 😉


World in pictures: Snail

December 12th, 2012



Kamchatka, Russia.

Unlike most of animals, goats have rectangular pupils.
We are accustomed to see pupils in eyes as round objects, just as our pupils. It allows them to see more around themselves (320-340 degrees of vision, while humans have only 160-200 degrees).
Which also means, that they can see better at night. 🙂

Goat eye (more…)

This time we can see summer in Latvia – thanks to the user MazafakaRU! 🙂

Summer in Latvia

The picture shows River Daugava. 😉

Hi Greenzoners! 🙂
Did you know that the colour of a bird’s beak shows if it’s healthy or not? 😉




April 25th, 2012

Question for today!
What is your favourite non-polluting mean of transport? 🙂

Good news, Greenzoners! 😀

Do you remember the BP oil spill accident almost two years ago, near Gulf of Mexico?