Posts Tagged ‘competition’

So what’s the prize that you can win that uses ecological, solar energy?
This prize is Logitech Solar Keyboard, great thing to fight for!

Users YoussefAzzaromicidragotin and others got the right answer and got invitations!

Here you can read more about that keyboard:

Hello Greenzoners!
We would like to thank everyone who helped us find mistakes on our Russian Greenzoner site. (more…)

Dear Greenzoners. 🙂

We sent information  about the prizes in Best Of Contest. All highest scores turned out to be valid.
We require everyone who won a prize to fill his shipping address in his profile.

Congratulations to all winners and thank you for participating. 🙂

This time we can see summer in Latvia – thanks to the user MazafakaRU! 🙂

Summer in Latvia

The picture shows River Daugava. 😉

Another photo sent by user – this time, spring in Lithuana. 😉

Spring in Lithuana

Sent by user GetFree. Thank you!

Greenzoners, still waiting for more pictures 😉