Posts Tagged ‘creature’

Life of sea turtles endangered

October 15th, 2014

Hi Greenzoners! Are you ready for new post? Did you remember our last post about cancer? Click here for view!



Hi Greenzoner Fans! Do you remember how are chemical substances harmful? If not, you can about them read here. Secret fluorescent gunk which is is a similar threat on the majority bottoms of seas and is posing a real threat to many species of animals, for which seas are a place of the life and the development.


Beautiful, isn’t it? 😉


This is called “The Butterfly of the Sea“, also Sea Robin, or Gurnard. (more…)

Unusual shape of a shell, isn’t it? That’s why the animal you see here is named Peanut – and no, it’s not a name of a species. The shell disfigurement is the cause of littering the oceans – when turtle was still very young, he got wrapped by plastic 6-pack packaging.

peanut (more…)

What can we do to prevent coral reefs from dying? TEDEducation covers that problem in his video, explaining the importance of making many little, separated reef parks and how to save the animals without stripping people of their fishing areas.

Coral reef


Eco News #32 – The goblin shark

December 13th, 2012

Hi Greenzoners! Spooked already? 😉
Goblin shark

This terrifying by appearance creature here is the goblin shark – very rare species of deep water animal.  They are found in a water deeper than 200m or on the surface,  dragged up by deep sea fishers.
Their characteristic feature is head strangely shaped and retractable jaws. (more…)

Did you know: phytoplankton

November 2nd, 2012

…wondering what is this? 😉


It’s a phytoplankton, a small underwater organism that can absorb the excessive amounts of CO2 in atmosphere.
Because of global warming and rising seas’ temperatures, their population is decreasting.

Hello Greenzoners, we’d like to share with you with another Eco News, this one’s concerning really interesting and important issue – Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch.

garbage patch

What is this? It’s an accumulation of garbage, floating on the northern Pacific Ocean. It stretches to hundreds of miles and, if all this garbage would be gathered in one place, it would cover the surface almost as big as France.
It’s made of plastic, which is not biodegradable, so it flows forever. The garbage comes most of the times from beach (left unattended and then swept by waves), fishing boats and cargo ships.

Not only does it pollute the water, but also is dangerous to the underwater animals. Many sea species were found dead entangled in old fishing nets or poisoned by accidental swallowing plastic or steel leftovers. (more…)

Sea otter is a specie of a mammal that lives on the coasts of northern and eastern Pacific Ocean. They belong to the weasel family, and are able to live on the land, but most of the time, they spend their lives in water.
Scientists recently discovered that sea otters have a great abilities that can help our environment. Because they feed on sea urchins, it keeps the kelp population balanced.  It helps reduce the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere, especially if there is starting to be  too much CO2, emitted by industrial areas, exhaust fumes and greenhouse gases. That means sea otters are able to prevent from global warming!

Sea otter