Posts Tagged ‘epigenetics’

10 animals saved from extinction

February 18th, 2013

Hello Greenzoners!
In our Eco News we often talk about something unhappy and depressing – some environment degradation here, some ecological disaster there.

Now we have something more uplifting – the video of 10 animals that we managed to save from extinction! 🙂 (more…)

All of you have probably seen an article about shark attacking humans, a picture showing aggressive shark or at least watched Jaws by Steven Spielberg. ;)|
But are those sharks really that dangerous?


This topic was recently discussed among the ecologists. How many times do we see news about sharks attacking people, and how often do we see articles about preservation of their species?
Statistically, over 60% of coverage and news present sharks in negative image, while only 7% talks about species’ preservation, biology and ecology.

The truth is that sharks are not as dangerous as we portrait them – most human casualties are the reason of sharks feeling threatened or mistaking humans with seals. (more…)

Recently we spoke of fish adapting to changing climate, as well as coral reefs. Now about tropical species.
Those species, that used to live in warm, humid areas, like lizards or insects are ectotherms – animals that require heat from environment to prosper correctly. That makes them dependent of temperature, which means – changing  temperature would cause harm to them.
