Posts Tagged ‘european’

Hello Greenzoners!
We are still getting your submissions for GzBlog Contest 🙂
We deleted many blogs that didn’t meet our requirements or were just useless spam.

So, to avoid further confusion, we will try to make it clearer how the blogs should look like 😉
We will present some blogs send by our users that are good example of how you should run your blog 🙂 – this Italian blog is a great example – it has posts from our blog translated into Italian, and is updated regularly. Even if there is some delay – it’s not really big of a problem. Also, in the top right corner there is a necessary Greenzoner stamp. 🙂 (more…)

Example of a gzPhoto

August 22nd, 2012

Here’s an example of gzPhoto – remember that we prefer Greenzoner’s logos made in natural, “physical” way, than on a computer. 😉

Holidays with Greenzoner gzphoto