Hello Greenzoners!
We already launched the Russian Greenzoner, but it’s not the end of surprises! 😉 (more…)
Posts Tagged ‘invitations’
New way of getting invitations starting soon…
February 13th, 2013New contest! (No account required!) :D
February 9th, 2013Time for another contest! Are you ready? 🙂
Recently we launched Russian version of Greenzoner. What do we want you to do, is to help us keep it in the best form possible. 🙂
Find a mistake on Russian Greenzoner page, make a screenshot and send us the description, telling what particular mistake did you find. (more…)
Riddle #3 – get new invitations!
January 27th, 2013Hello, want to get some invitations? 😉
As previously, we made a short riddle for everyone – what you need to do is to search throughout our website and identify this picture – country and a region.
You have the time until GzDay 972 – send us e-mails (Category: Other) with correct answer to get invitations!
First two people will get 5 invitations, and next people will get 2 invitations, just like the last time.
Here’s the picture! (more…)
Stay tuned for this evening
January 27th, 2013How are you doing, Greenzoners? 🙂
This evening we’re planning to give you something little and nice… don’t forget to check our blog, especially if you’d like to have some more invitations. 😉
Riddle #2 – get more invitations!
January 18th, 2013Hello Greenzoners! Here’s another riddle!
You need to send us an answer concerning:
-the name of the vehicle you see
-its speed
Don’t worry, we already covered it somewhere on our site, so just go through our blog! First two users who will guess correctly will receive 5 invitations, while others – 2 invitations.
Send us e-mails with answers via contact form (category: Other Issues) until GzDay 967.
Good luck!
New invites!
January 18th, 2013Hello Greenzoners, want some new invitations? 😉 (more…)
Gift under the Christmas tree ;)
December 25th, 2012Good evening Greenzoners!
We hope you found many interesting things under your Christmas tree. 🙂
Of course you get something from us – which are free invitations. But firstly, you need to find… the Christmas tree 😉
Just scan through website – including different tabs and posts on a blog – when you see a Christmas tree like this – don’t forget to click it!
Interesting facts: rectangular pupils part 2.
December 5th, 2012The user hhah92 succesfully answered our previous question about rectangular pupils. Congratulations! 🙂
Yes, octopuses, as well as their cousins squisd and cuttlefish (collectively known as Cephalopods) have rectangular pupils.
The reason of rectangular pupils is the process called convergent evolution… (more…)
Blog Contest – Reactivation!
October 7th, 2012Hello Greenzoners! We are glad that some of you continue to partake in the Blog Contest.
But if you are not taking part in Blog Contest or your blog has been deactivated, now you get the chance to be one of the contestants. 😉 (more…)
Want to join Greenzoner? Now you have a chance!
October 4th, 2012Hey there! Do you want to join Greenzoner and win prizes, but you don’t have an invitation? There is a little contest we launched that can open your way to gzWorld. 😉
What you need to do is to like our fanpage on Facebok and write us a message containing your e-mail address and your nick.
First 50 people will get invitations to www.greenzoner.com from us 🙂