Posts Tagged ‘invitations’

Invitations give away ;)

September 8th, 2012

Hello Greenzoner, as we are preparing for gzPhoto voting, we are launching new little contest. 🙂

In this contest you can win five invitations. To do so, just log in everyday for 5 days (gzDay 830-835) and during each of these days, make a weather report. You will get 5 invitations for that.
Good luck, and we hope we will give out many invitations. 😉

Hello Greenzoners! The big contest is finally about to be launched! Are you prepared? 🙂


The Best Of contest will start on Monday gzDay 803 and contestants will fight for a great prizes – iPod Touch 4G 8GB and other awards! (more…)

Finally (it took some time for such a small contest 😉 ) we finished Weather Guessing Contest. The winner is Eyef, who guessed the country with the highest temperature (which was Puerto Rico) and he will be granted with 3 additional invitations. 🙂

Congratulations and thanks to everyone who took part, also we encourage you to wait for other little contests, that soon will be launched. 🙂

Good morning Greenzoners! 😀
Thank you for participating in Spring Wave Contest!
Now we can greet all new Greenzoner users who will share their experience with us. 🙂

Spring Wave Contest!

May 20th, 2012

Dear Greenzoners! Our little invitation contest is finished – thanks to everyone who took part in!

Now we are starting with something bigger – Spring Wave Contest! 🙂

Today is the last day of our Little 3-day Contest! 😉 If you are taking part in it, don’t
forget to log in, and you can win 5 more invitations (provided that now you have less than 3).
Time is running!

What’s more, the prizes from a redemption at gzDay 583 were already sent. You will get your parcel’s ID on your e-mail, don’t forget to check it. 🙂

This week our team fixed 2 problems.


December 2nd, 2011

Inviting friend to greenzoner society is a very good way to gain EEP. For one invitation sent to a person who want to play with us you gain:
– 20 EEP, if you have Free Account;
– 22 EEP, if you have Grass Account;
– 25 EEP, if you have Tree Account;
– 30 EEP, if you have Sky Account;
– 40 EEP, if you have Space Acount!


Attention! The contest #4!

October 26th, 2011
As previously, the person who gives correct answer the fastest will
obtain 300 EEP and 10 invitations.

Attention! The contest #3!

October 18th, 2011
As previously, the person who gives correct answer the fastest will
obtain 300 EEP and 10 invitations. (more…)