Posts Tagged ‘panel’

Changeable spring weather

March 3rd, 2015

Hi all! If you like to walk in spring you certainly know that the weather in this season is changeable and very much it is easy to catch a cold. Particularly if you are walking very long and you have the weak body’s resistance. Check our new article below! (more…)

Do you remember our last post in July about sweet hummingbirds? If not, just check it here and catch up! Do you know that the sudden climate change can cause too much threats to our planet? If you already know, how very much it can be dangerous you should not too long with it drag it off. Take action immediately which will help our planet. What is going on with our climate?!

climate (more…)

Hello Greenzoners! As we made so many changes on our website, with new contests, and, first of all – new prizes, we needed to introduce also new rules, to regulate the safe usage of GzWorld. 🙂
These the rules we were regularly publishing on Facebook – here are they, in one post. 🙂


Do not forget about gzWorld! Remember to log-in regularly, so that you will be able to have more EEP, instead of loosing them – so, if you don’t want to loose EEP – just visit our site frequently! (more…)