Posts Tagged ‘penguins’

Love Penguins

January 29th, 2016

Last time we were talking about Lemurs. Today we focus on Penguins. Probably everybody has seen penguin walk. It move swaying from side to side with each step like an upside down. It is a result of being heavy animal with short legs. The scientists have found interesting information. This is a very efficient way of walking that to the swaying motion leading to an 80% energy saving compared to a more static walk.




Fur coat? No, thank you!

March 5th, 2014

Very important part of eco lifestyle is being against people who are wearing natural fur. That’s really important topic now, cause few days ago finished one fashion week in New York City and one in Paris. Fashion week and all events connected with it is a great opportunity for famous people and fashion victims to wear natural fur coat.


Say “hi” to Kenny, inbred white tiger. Don’t be mistaken – they are not albino. Those Siberian/Bengal tigers have recessive genetic traits, which makes their fur white and their eyes blue.

kenny (more…)