Posts Tagged ‘prizes’

The ending of GzPhoto contest!

December 11th, 2012

Hi Greenzoners! You are probably getting a little anxious and unpatient about the ending of gzPhoto Contest and can’t wait to get iPods and T-shirts. 😉

iPod (more…)

Get ready!

December 8th, 2012

Hello Greenzoners!
How’s the winter going? Are you prepared to send invitations to your friends? 😀

Every new user you invite is your chance of winning valuable prizes!

Get ready!

New contests and prizes ahead!

November 28th, 2012

Hi Greenzoners! We’re glad that you are voting and submitting your pictures for gzPhoto Contest. Also, thanks to everyone who took part in latest Invitations Giveaway! 🙂
But this is not over – we are moving forward, so stay tuned for another contests that will be launched in a short time. New contest means new prizes, so keep on your toes, and keep green! 😀

New gzPhoto Contestant!

November 15th, 2012

Hello Greenzoners! We have new participant of gzPhoto Contest!
Say hi to Olecika from Moldova 😀 And here are her contest photos:


To see more photos and to vote, go here

Thank you for application, and remember, you still can join and win prizes, such as Greenzoner T-shirt, having your picture on the Greenzoner Fanpage’s timeline and more… 😉

Great photo – Observer

October 18th, 2012

While gzPhoto contest is still going and prizes are getting ready to be sent, we found this interesting picture on the web. 🙂


-National Geographic – Eclipse – Silhouette – Observer

gzPhoto Voting is finally on!

October 1st, 2012

Dear Greenzoners! gzPhoto Voting, the second stage of gzPhoto Contest is finally on! Now you can vote for the best pictures submitted by our users! Remember – every vote counts, and it helps us select the best pictures in the most fair way, and each vote gives you 4 EEP. You can vote once for every 12 hours.

The new thing is, that now, after liking Greenzoner’s fanpage on Facebook, you can also share your information about voting with your friends. You can activate an option that posts on your wall about the voting, so that you can keep daily track of your votes and interest more friends with the contest. To do so, click the “GET EEP” tab and select “Every website activity send to Your Facebook profile wall“.

Grenzoner Facebook (more…)

Dear Greenzoners. 🙂

We sent information  about the prizes in Best Of Contest. All highest scores turned out to be valid.
We require everyone who won a prize to fill his shipping address in his profile.

Congratulations to all winners and thank you for participating. 🙂

Dear users,

We have just finished gzDefender “Best Of” Contest and  we already know the winners. The list of winners will be shown after checking the game scores and going through game logs of every user.
We will send the information regarding prizes to every user, who got score from top 5. Users that took places 5-10 will be rewarded with surprise prizes. 😉

Congratulations to everyone!

Greenzoner Team.


April 10th, 2012

Dear Greenzoners!

We are sorry to say but over 17 blogs had to be deactivated because they hadn’t been updated and they didn’t have enough posts. What’s more, only 3 countries are now the participants of the Blog Contest – other countries had to be disqualified, even though they had at least one good blog. But, as it was settled in the rules, we require at least two blogs for country to participate.

But we believe you can always make it better, do you? Just update your blogs and post the newer blogs’ updates, and your blogs will be active again. 🙂 If you want to get free prizes and acquire EEP, help us share Greenzoner’s ideas throughout the web on your blogs. 😀

Good luck, Greenzoner is counting on you! 😉