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Pogoda w Oak Lawn, United States of America:
Nasi użytkownicy zaraportowali pogodę w Oak Lawn w ilości: 2
Data raportu: 2011-04-10
Czas raportu pogody: 2011-04-10 03:29:06
Temperatura: 13.0 °C / 55 °F
Temperatura mierzona w:
Wiatr: Trochę wieje
Pochmurnie: Słonecznie
Opady: Bez deszczu
Statusy samopoczucia: Wesoły
Opis samopoczucia: It was pretty warm out today, not that windy or anything, no rain or anything, the skys were pretty blueish but not fully blue.
Lokalizacja: E 42°43´ N 88°45´
Data raportu: 2011-04-09
Czas raportu pogody: 2011-04-09 04:26:38
Temperatura: 8.0 °C / 46 °F
Temperatura mierzona w:
Wiatr: Trochę wieje
Pochmurnie: Kraj
Opady: Trochę pada
Statusy samopoczucia: Zadowolony
Opis samopoczucia: Well it's kind of gloomy so everything felt kind of tired today, however it's not one of those depressing days where everything bad happens, because still things are good.
But basically it's not very very good weather, but it's not terrible weather, and it doesn't feel very good to be in that weather, usually.
Lokalizacja: E 42°43´ N 88°45´