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Weather in Mostaganem, Algeria:
Our users reported weather in Mostaganem 41 times.
Report date: 2023-01-01
Weather report time: 2023-01-01 12:59:23
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: Coool
Localization: E 28°2´ N 2°40´
Report date: 2015-09-12
Weather report time: 2015-09-12 10:42:49
Temperature: 10.0 °C / 50 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 978.0 hPa / 733 mm Hg / 28 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: the weather is bas
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2015-08-22
Weather report time: 2015-08-22 11:43:32
Temperature: 5.0 °C / 41 °F
Temperature measured in:
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: the weather is bad
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2015-08-21
Weather report time: 2015-08-21 00:42:45
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 949.0 hPa / 711 mm Hg / 28 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: the weather is bad
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2015-08-20
Weather report time: 2015-08-20 15:15:55
Temperature: 13.0 °C / 55 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 951.0 hPa / 713 mm Hg / 28 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: bad
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2015-06-11
Weather report time: 2015-06-11 09:51:53
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: oui
Localization: E 28°2´ N 2°40´
Report date: 2015-05-31
Weather report time: 2015-05-31 16:42:37
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: Because good weather for no beads
Localization: E 28°2´ N 2°40´
Weather report time: 2015-05-31 00:13:42
Temperature: 31.0 °C / 87 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: Parce que je aime l'été
Localization: E 28°2´ N 2°40´
Report date: 2015-05-30
Weather report time: 2015-05-30 12:35:08
Temperature: 7.0 °C / 44 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 973.0 hPa / 729 mm Hg / 28 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: Parce que le temps est excellent
Localization: E 28°2´ N 2°40´
Report date: 2015-05-28
Weather report time: 2015-05-28 14:08:32
Temperature: 27.0 °C / 80 °F
Temperature measured in:
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Content
Being description: Because the weather is very hot
Localization: E 28°2´ N 2°40´
Report date: 2015-05-27
Weather report time: 2015-05-27 17:49:54
Temperature: 21.0 °C / 69 °F
Temperature measured in:
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: Now the weather is very free
Localization: E 28°2´ N 2°40´
Report date: 2015-03-21
Weather report time: 2015-03-21 20:53:28
Temperature: 17.0 °C / 62 °F
Temperature measured in:
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Storm's coming!
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Content
Being description: nice
Localization: E 28°2´ N 2°40´
Report date: 2015-03-18
Weather report time: 2015-03-18 19:50:54
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 984.0 hPa / 738 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: the weather is bad
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2015-03-04
Weather report time: 2015-03-04 14:56:48
Temperature: 19.0 °C / 66 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: الحمد لله الجو رائع
Localization: E 28°2´ N 2°40´
Report date: 2015-01-03
Weather report time: 2015-01-03 22:06:04
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: the weather is bad
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Weather report time: 2015-01-03 13:31:15
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: the weather is bad
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2015-01-02
Weather report time: 2015-01-02 13:49:44
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: the weather is bad
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2014-12-31
Weather report time: 2014-12-31 18:11:41
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: the weather is bad
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2014-12-30
Weather report time: 2014-12-30 12:15:11
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: the weather is bad
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2014-12-29
Weather report time: 2014-12-29 02:32:55
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: the weather is bad
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2014-12-26
Weather report time: 2014-12-26 13:01:00
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: the weather is bad
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Weather report time: 2014-12-26 01:09:15
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: the weather is bad
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2014-12-24
Weather report time: 2014-12-24 23:30:20
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: the weather is bd
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Weather report time: 2014-12-24 00:15:09
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: the weather is bad
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2014-12-23
Weather report time: 2014-12-23 08:50:43
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: the weather is bad
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2014-12-22
Weather report time: 2014-12-22 09:39:30
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: the weather is bad
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2014-12-21
Weather report time: 2014-12-21 14:34:02
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: THE WEATHER IS BAD
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2014-12-20
Weather report time: 2014-12-20 11:23:00
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: the weather is bad
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2014-12-19
Weather report time: 2014-12-19 12:42:05
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: the weather is bad now
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2014-12-18
Weather report time: 2014-12-18 18:45:50
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: the weather is bad
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2014-12-15
Weather report time: 2014-12-15 11:23:02
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: There Madeltan to calculate the pressure at different altitudes (up to 86 km). When I first used the low temperature standard rate is not zero with the rise, while the second, when we consider the change of temperature rise is zero. (Standard temperature of 15 degrees Celsius is equivalent to 288 Kelvin).
The first equation:
P = P_b \ cdot \ left [\ frac {T_b} {T_b + L_b \ cdot (h-h_b)} \ right] ^ \ frac {g_0 \ cdot M} {R ^ * \ cdot L_b}
The second equation:
P = P_b \ cdot e ^ \ left [\ frac {-g_0 \ cdot M \ cdot (h-h_b)} {R ^ * \ cdot T_b} \ right]
P_b \, = static pressure (Pa)
T_b \, = standard temperature (Kelvin)
L_b \, = standard temperature drop rate (per meter Kelvin)
h \, = height above sea level (in meters)
h_b \, = rise in the bottom of the class b (in meters, for example, h_1 \, = 11,000 meters)
R ^ * \, = constant gas conditioning: 8.31432 Newton · m / (Mall · Kelvin)
g_0 = ground acceleration (9.80665 m / T²)
M = Air molecular mass of the earth (0.0289644 kg / mol)
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2014-12-14
Weather report time: 2014-12-14 11:51:30
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: It covers the areas adjacent to the coast of the North Sea Tell Atlas and tennis to Kala, a narrow range compared to the wide area Algeria Tksh mild and characterized the first term, with two distinct rainy and warm and a long winter and the second dry and hot summer and a short-term warming and little general. The distinction can be made within this range between climate wet medium which covers minor tribal area of scuffing to Least It is more moisture as rain rate of more than 1,000 mm in scuffing and Babor and about 2000 mm in Least where Zaytuna area more areas of Algeria rain at about 2443 mm / year as last snow in this region for more than 10 days per year and the dense vegetation of the forest type is mainly second type is the average semi-wet climate, which covers the rest of the hill areas and rain at a rate of 700 mm / year
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2014-12-13
Weather report time: 2014-12-13 18:54:05
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: Atmospheric pressure is the weight of the column of air cross-section unit spaces up space equivalent to the thickness of the atmosphere. Atmospheric pressure = 1 atm or roughly 1 bar. Atmospheric pressure decreases to rise from the sea. The sea at 1 atm or 1.0132 bar.
Low air pressure areas have less mass atmospheres, while areas with high atmospheric pressure have atmospheres block more than others.
Whenever increased height above the ground, the less air pressure and vice versa.
Weighs square meter of air column at the sea surface height and thickness of the atmosphere almost 10 tons.
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Weather report time: 2014-12-13 11:32:12
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: It covers the areas adjacent to the coast of the North Sea Tell Atlas and tennis to Kala, a narrow range compared to the wide area Algeria Tksh mild and characterized the first term, with two distinct rainy and warm and a long winter and the second dry and hot summer and a short-term warming and little general. The distinction can be made within this range between climate wet medium which covers minor tribal area of scuffing to Least It is more moisture as rain rate of more than 1,000 mm in scuffing and Babor and about 2000 mm in Least where Zaytuna area more areas of Algeria rain at about 2443 mm / year as last snow in this region for more than 10 days per year and the dense vegetation of the forest type is mainly second type is the average semi-wet climate, which covers the rest of the hill areas and rain at a rate of 700 mm / year.
Steppe climate:
It covers the high plateaus, a transitional climate between the Mediterranean and the desert climate and Mediterranean climate here features begin to decline gradually from the North to give way to dry continental climate outstanding conditions Rainfall ranging from 300-500mlm / year are irregular menstrual extreme heat and differences
And East high plateaus semi-arid continental climate (50 on ice in a year and 30 days Sirocco) Central and Western High plateaus under dry rains in less quantity and systematic not more than 400 mm / year
Desert climate:
It covers a wider throughout Algeria constitutes the Saharan Atlas interval climate boundary between the north and south of the country, rain and a few irregular less than 200 mm / year and the atmosphere is dry and high temperature thermal daily, quarterly and disparities are high except Hoggar region affected by the tropical climate, where rain falls in summer over moderate heat
Graded this climate gradually, starting from the southern slopes of the desert to the Atlas, which provides weather image unique where North slopes covered with forests and peaks covered with snow due to the arrival of the cold marine impacts wetlands at a rate of rain somewhere between 800-900mlm / year South slopes in front of the desert climate-sensitive desert arid and so coexist forests Sidr with pine and palm oases 30 km
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2014-12-12
Weather report time: 2014-12-12 16:37:38
Temperature: -8.0 °C / 17 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 969.0 hPa / 726 mm Hg / 28 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: Atmospheric pressure at the Earth's surface varies up to a layer mesosphere. Despite the change in air pressure change of weather, NASA has put arithmetic average of all cases and for all areas over the years. And atmospheric pressure can be found through the equation describing the relationship of air pressure rise, the more increased rise above the ground Say atmospheric pressure [1], taking into account the effect of heat and humidity on the accuracy of the result. At low altitude above sea level, reduced atmospheric pressure by cca 1.2 kPa per 100 meters mentioned the subject of air pressure change 1,400 years ago in the Qur'an Almighty, saying: "It is God to guide him open his heart to Islam, and given that leads him astray makes a narrow chest, as if embarrassed up in the sky as well as makes abomination to God who do not believe. "(Al cattle: 125).
Altitudes within the troposphere can find apical atmospheric pressure p for high-h through the barometric formula equation
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Weather report time: 2014-12-12 09:07:12
Temperature: 11.0 °C / 51 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 986.0 hPa / 739 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: It covers the areas adjacent to the coast of the North Sea Tell Atlas and tennis to Kala, a narrow range compared to the wide area Algeria Tksh mild and characterized the first term, with two distinct rainy and warm and a long winter and the second dry and hot summer and a short-term warming and little general. The distinction can be made within this range between climate wet medium which covers minor tribal area of scuffing to Least It is more moisture as rain rate of more than 1,000 mm in scuffing and Babor and about 2000 mm in Least where Zaytuna area more areas of Algeria rain at about 2443 mm / year as last snow in this region for more than 10 days per year and the dense vegetation of the forest type is mainly second type is the average semi-wet climate, which covers the rest of the hill areas and rain at a rate of 700 mm / year.
Steppe climate:
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2014-12-11
Weather report time: 2014-12-11 10:31:54
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: the weather is bad in this day
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2014-12-09
Weather report time: 2014-12-09 14:07:23
Temperature: 11.0 °C / 51 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 980.0 hPa / 735 mm Hg / 28 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: th clima is sun
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Weather report time: 2014-12-09 07:22:38
Temperature: -20.0 °C / -4 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 959.0 hPa / 719 mm Hg / 28 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: Azzurri high pressure area:
Stationed in the Atlantic near the Azores Islands pressure area Almertf.fa winter This includes Morocco pressure
Arab Therefore western winds blowing to the north of Algeria and lead to the fall of Omtar.fa summer moving pressure area
High towards the north becomes Algeria outside the scope of the west wind and rain so lacking
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2014-12-08
Weather report time: 2014-12-08 12:45:49
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 982.0 hPa / 736 mm Hg / 28 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Content
Being description: It covers the areas adjacent to the coast of the North Sea Tell Atlas and tennis to Kala, a narrow range compared to the wide area Algeria Tksh mild and characterized the first term, with two distinct rainy and warm and a long winter and the second dry and hot summer and a short-term warming and little general. The distinction can be made within this range between climate wet medium which covers minor tribal area of scuffing to Least It is more moisture as rain rate of more than 1,000 mm in scuffing and Babor and about 2000 mm in Least where Zaytuna area more areas of Algeria rain at about 2443 mm / year as last snow in this region for more than 10 days per year and the dense vegetation of the forest type is mainly second type is the average semi-wet climate, which covers the rest of the hill areas and rain at a rate of 700 mm / year
Localization: E 36°55´ N 0°3´
Report date: 2014-09-18
Weather report time: 2014-09-18 14:03:54
Temperature: 27.0 °C / 80 °F
Temperature measured in:
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: fcv
Localization: E 28°2´ N 2°40´