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Weather in Lahore, Pakistan:

Our users reported weather in Lahore 44 times.

Report date: 2012-05-14

Weather report time: 2012-05-14 07:09:40

Temperature: 22.0 °C / 71 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: Hurricane!
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: happy
Localization: E 31°13´ N 74°57´

Report date: 2011-09-04

Weather report time: 2011-09-04 13:16:19

Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: Rainy
User state of mind: Content
Being description: ty
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Weather report time: 2011-09-04 06:50:51

Temperature: 27.0 °C / 80 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 1005.0 hPa / 753 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: Rainy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: g
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-09-03

Weather report time: 2011-09-03 21:28:06

Temperature: 28.0 °C / 82 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: because i m register in to it and this is my first ever weather report, there is no wind at all i am at my roof top humidity is nearly 65% sky is clear.....
Localization: E 32°33´ N 74°19´

Weather report time: 2011-09-03 08:53:54

Temperature: 14.0 °C / 57 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 973.0 hPa / 729 mm Hg / 28 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: Rainy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: fgf
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-09-02

Weather report time: 2011-09-02 15:18:54

Temperature: 21.0 °C / 69 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: Rainy
User state of mind: Content
Being description: gfgf
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Weather report time: 2011-09-02 06:36:15

Temperature: 17.0 °C / 62 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: ffffffff
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-09-01

Weather report time: 2011-09-01 20:36:57

Temperature: 18.0 °C / 64 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 981.0 hPa / 735 mm Hg / 28 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: Rainy
User state of mind: Content
Being description: ffffffff
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Weather report time: 2011-09-01 14:24:07

Temperature: 25.0 °C / 77 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 968.0 hPa / 726 mm Hg / 28 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: jhgjhj
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Weather report time: 2011-09-01 08:13:42

Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 1013.0 hPa / 759 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: mmmmmmmmm
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-08-31

Weather report time: 2011-08-31 14:04:40

Temperature: 34.0 °C / 93 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: Rainy
User state of mind: Content
Being description: cc
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Weather report time: 2011-08-31 05:40:06

Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: Rainy
User state of mind: Content
Being description: hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-08-30

Weather report time: 2011-08-30 16:18:02

Temperature: 12.0 °C / 53 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Content
Being description: jjjjjjjjjj
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Weather report time: 2011-08-30 09:20:43

Temperature: 24.0 °C / 75 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 1003.0 hPa / 752 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: Rainy
User state of mind: Content
Being description: hhhhhhhhh
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-08-29

Weather report time: 2011-08-29 16:41:55

Temperature: 39.0 °C / 102 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 913.0 hPa / 684 mm Hg / 26 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: blablablabalbalabalabalablabalabla
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Weather report time: 2011-08-29 06:36:48

Temperature: 31.0 °C / 87 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 1021.0 hPa / 765 mm Hg / 30 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: blabalbalablab
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-08-28

Weather report time: 2011-08-28 11:21:55

Temperature: 21.0 °C / 69 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: Rainy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: ffgf
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-08-27

Weather report time: 2011-08-27 06:21:16

Temperature: 16.0 °C / 60 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 967.0 hPa / 725 mm Hg / 28 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: ggggggg
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-08-26

Weather report time: 2011-08-26 09:10:18

Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: Rainy
User state of mind: Content
Being description: gigi
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-08-25

Weather report time: 2011-08-25 10:20:53

Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: Rainy
User state of mind: Content
Being description: ffffffff
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-08-23

Weather report time: 2011-08-23 06:13:59

Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: lol
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-08-22

Weather report time: 2011-08-22 12:35:20

Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: bla
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-08-21

Weather report time: 2011-08-21 12:35:20

Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: ll
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Weather report time: 2011-08-21 06:18:40

Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: cauz i am here
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-08-20

Weather report time: 2011-08-20 06:53:33

Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: Because weather is cool
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-08-18

Weather report time: 2011-08-18 06:39:19

Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: Because i join this company.
Localization: E 31°26´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-08-12

Weather report time: 2011-08-12 22:13:58

Temperature: 33.0 °C / 91 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Content
Being description: well it was very humid day....
Localization: E 32°31´ N 74°21´

Report date: 2011-05-08

Weather report time: 2011-05-08 13:14:11

Temperature: 29.0 °C / 84 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: i like this season
Localization: E 31°13´ N 74°57´

Report date: 2011-05-06

Weather report time: 2011-05-06 13:45:43

Temperature: 35.0 °C / 95 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: alaa mausam hai...
Localization: E 32°34´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-05-05

Weather report time: 2011-05-05 11:51:12

Temperature: 41.0 °C / 105 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: ...................
Localization: E 32°34´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-05-04

Weather report time: 2011-05-04 10:58:08

Temperature: 39.0 °C / 102 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Content
Being description: .........
Localization: E 32°34´ N 74°18´

Weather report time: 2011-05-04 06:45:14

Temperature: 27.0 °C / 80 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: Hurricane!
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: i am feeling good
Localization: E 31°13´ N 74°57´

Report date: 2011-05-03

Weather report time: 2011-05-03 14:32:50

Temperature: 41.0 °C / 105 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Content
Being description: pata nhi
Localization: E 32°34´ N 74°18´

Weather report time: 2011-05-03 07:23:33

Temperature: 28.0 °C / 82 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: Hurricane!
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: so much hot today.....
Localization: E 31°13´ N 74°57´

Report date: 2011-05-02

Weather report time: 2011-05-02 15:01:24

Temperature: -2.0 °C / 28 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: i like euphory because i dislike cloudy day...
Localization: E 31°13´ N 74°57´

Weather report time: 2011-05-02 11:53:21

Temperature: 39.0 °C / 102 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: njknkjhvgjcy
Localization: E 32°34´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-05-01

Weather report time: 2011-05-01 12:37:51

Temperature: 40.0 °C / 104 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Content
Being description: pata nahi yar
Localization: E 32°34´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-04-28

Weather report time: 2011-04-28 11:15:00

Temperature: 42.0 °C / 107 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Content
Being description: ufffff... bohat garmi hai yar...
Localization: E 32°34´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-04-27

Weather report time: 2011-04-27 20:45:30

Temperature: 34.0 °C / 93 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: im having an asthma attack
Localization: E 32°34´ N 74°18´

Weather report time: 2011-04-27 10:37:24

Temperature: 38.0 °C / 100 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: don't know why :)
Localization: E 32°34´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-04-26

Weather report time: 2011-04-26 17:38:13

Temperature: 35.0 °C / 95 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Content
Being description: hot
Localization: E 32°34´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-04-25

Weather report time: 2011-04-25 16:15:14

Temperature: 33.0 °C / 91 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: i don't know
Localization: E 32°34´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-04-24

Weather report time: 2011-04-24 18:52:26

Temperature: 30.0 °C / 86 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Content
Being description: need more points
Localization: E 32°34´ N 74°18´

Report date: 2011-04-23

Weather report time: 2011-04-23 19:03:08

Temperature: 31.0 °C / 87 °F
Temperature measured in: sun
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: i will earn EEP.. that's why i am feeling euphory
Localization: E 32°34´ N 74°18´