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Weather in Trujillo0, Peru:
Our users reported weather in Trujillo0 48 times.
Report date: 2013-04-04
Weather report time: 2013-04-04 15:56:26
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque jugue algo
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Weather report time: 2013-04-04 02:46:43
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoy sembre arbloes en mi jardin
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-04-03
Weather report time: 2013-04-03 04:08:35
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque gane una apuesta
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-04-02
Weather report time: 2013-04-02 15:16:53
Temperature: 18.0 °C / 64 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoy ire al skatepark con mis amigos
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Weather report time: 2013-04-02 03:19:43
Temperature: 14.0 °C / 57 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 989.0 hPa / 741 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoy desayune como reY :D
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-28
Weather report time: 2013-03-28 00:22:48
Temperature: 21.0 °C / 69 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 992.0 hPa / 744 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque me ire de viaje
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-27
Weather report time: 2013-03-27 02:14:07
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 995.0 hPa / 746 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoy ire a kfc con mi promocion
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-26
Weather report time: 2013-03-26 16:05:25
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoy ire a la piscina con mi enamorada
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Weather report time: 2013-03-26 01:26:38
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 995.0 hPa / 746 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoy fui ala playa
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-24
Weather report time: 2013-03-24 15:48:54
Temperature: 11.0 °C / 51 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 993.0 hPa / 744 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoy ire a kfc con mi familia
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Weather report time: 2013-03-24 02:02:04
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 989.0 hPa / 741 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoy ire a kfc con mis amigos
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-23
Weather report time: 2013-03-23 16:59:56
Temperature: 15.0 °C / 59 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 996.0 hPa / 747 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoy ire a comprar una guitarra
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Weather report time: 2013-03-23 04:23:27
Temperature: 20.0 °C / 68 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 997.0 hPa / 747 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoy ire al cine aver osh
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-22
Weather report time: 2013-03-22 05:05:59
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoy ire a kfc
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-21
Weather report time: 2013-03-21 14:12:35
Temperature: 12.0 °C / 53 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 989.0 hPa / 741 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoy ire a comer helados
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-20
Weather report time: 2013-03-20 13:57:35
Temperature: 15.0 °C / 59 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoy ire al cine a ver peliculas
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-19
Weather report time: 2013-03-19 15:23:54
Temperature: 24.0 °C / 75 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 988.0 hPa / 741 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hay ire al cine con mi familia
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Weather report time: 2013-03-19 02:46:07
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1013.0 hPa / 759 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hay un buen clima y mañana ire al cine
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-18
Weather report time: 2013-03-18 15:24:20
Temperature: 26.0 °C / 78 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 986.0 hPa / 739 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque si
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-17
Weather report time: 2013-03-17 03:20:47
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 987.0 hPa / 740 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: Snowy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque esta nevando y mañana saldre a skiar
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-16
Weather report time: 2013-03-16 14:35:34
Temperature: 15.0 °C / 59 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 996.0 hPa / 747 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: PORQUE HAY UN BUEN CLIMA.
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-15
Weather report time: 2013-03-15 02:16:21
Temperature: 22.0 °C / 71 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 988.0 hPa / 741 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hay un buenclima
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-14
Weather report time: 2013-03-14 05:58:01
Temperature: 13.0 °C / 55 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 985.0 hPa / 738 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: Snowy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque esta nevando y pronto sadre a skiar con mis brothers
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-13
Weather report time: 2013-03-13 16:52:13
Temperature: 17.0 °C / 62 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 989.0 hPa / 741 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoy hay un clima exlente
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-12
Weather report time: 2013-03-12 05:19:26
Temperature: 16.0 °C / 60 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoy ire a una fiesta con mis amigos
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-11
Weather report time: 2013-03-11 16:25:32
Temperature: 32.0 °C / 89 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoy ire a practicar skate
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Weather report time: 2013-03-11 03:15:50
Temperature: 21.0 °C / 69 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 997.0 hPa / 747 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: Snowy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoydia esta nevandi y luego saldre con mis broters a skiar
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-10
Weather report time: 2013-03-10 15:35:18
Temperature: 26.0 °C / 78 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 992.0 hPa / 744 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoy ire a la playa
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Weather report time: 2013-03-10 01:47:41
Temperature: 14.0 °C / 57 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 993.0 hPa / 744 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque mañana es domingo
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-09
Weather report time: 2013-03-09 15:20:03
Temperature: 20.0 °C / 68 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1012.0 hPa / 759 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: Snowy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque afuera esta nevando y pronto saldre a jugar en la nieve
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Weather report time: 2013-03-09 03:28:19
Temperature: 21.0 °C / 69 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1013.0 hPa / 759 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Hurricane!
Clouds: Storm's coming!
Precipitation: Snowy
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: porque hay un huracan ha 9 cuadras de mi casa
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-08
Weather report time: 2013-03-08 14:57:37
Temperature: 21.0 °C / 69 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque tengo un perrito nuevo
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Weather report time: 2013-03-08 02:40:20
Temperature: 24.0 °C / 75 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 994.0 hPa / 745 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: Snowy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque esta nevando y sera muy idvertido sair a jugar
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-07
Weather report time: 2013-03-07 15:35:50
Temperature: 23.0 °C / 73 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1000.0 hPa / 750 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque sake buena nota
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Weather report time: 2013-03-07 02:25:39
Temperature: 10.0 °C / 50 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 994.0 hPa / 745 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Storm's coming!
Precipitation: Rainy
User state of mind: Content
Being description: porque hay un clima malo creo q vendra el huraacan
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-06
Weather report time: 2013-03-06 17:00:44
Temperature: 28.0 °C / 82 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1004.0 hPa / 753 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Sad
Being description: porque hoy me corte el pelo ¬¬
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-05
Weather report time: 2013-03-05 17:33:03
Temperature: 33.0 °C / 91 °F
Temperature measured in:
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoy tuve un nuevo amigo
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Weather report time: 2013-03-05 01:57:59
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1017.0 hPa / 762 mm Hg / 30 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Storm's coming!
Precipitation: Rainy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque hoy tuve un buen dia
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-04
Weather report time: 2013-03-04 19:48:56
Temperature: 29.0 °C / 84 °F
Temperature measured in:
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porq soy una gran persona que ayuda al planeta
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-03
Weather report time: 2013-03-03 14:25:29
Temperature: 22.0 °C / 71 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1008.0 hPa / 756 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque pertenessco a greenzoner y de esa manera ayudo al planeta
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-02
Weather report time: 2013-03-02 17:10:42
Temperature: 25.0 °C / 77 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1002.0 hPa / 751 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque si
Localization: W 10°30´ S 75°1´
Weather report time: 2013-03-02 03:28:55
Temperature: 13.0 °C / 55 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 989.0 hPa / 741 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque soy una persona que ayuda al mundo a ser verde
Localization: W 9°30´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-03-01
Weather report time: 2013-03-01 17:22:10
Temperature: 23.0 °C / 73 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 980.0 hPa / 735 mm Hg / 28 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porerque si ps soy meinembro de grreenzoner
Localization: W 9°29´ S 75°1´
Weather report time: 2013-03-01 04:30:09
Temperature: 10.0 °C / 50 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 989.0 hPa / 741 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: por ser una persona que pertenece a greenzoner y ayuda al planeta tierra
Localization: W 9°29´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-02-28
Weather report time: 2013-02-28 17:53:26
Temperature: 26.0 °C / 78 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1009.0 hPa / 756 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: Rainy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque soy una persona que ayudda al planeta a mejorar
Localization: W 9°29´ S 75°1´
Weather report time: 2013-02-28 04:31:14
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1017.0 hPa / 762 mm Hg / 30 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: Rainy
User state of mind: Euphory
Localization: W 9°29´ S 75°1´
Report date: 2013-02-27
Weather report time: 2013-02-27 22:22:54
Temperature: 24.0 °C / 75 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1022.0 hPa / 766 mm Hg / 30 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porque soy miembro de greenzoner
Localization: W 9°29´ S 75°1´
Weather report time: 2013-02-27 15:06:58
Temperature: -9.0 °C / 15 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 994.0 hPa / 745 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Hurricane!
Clouds: Storm's coming!
Precipitation: Rainy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: porq soy un miembro de greenzoner y asi ayudo a la naturaleza
Localization: W 9°29´ S 75°1´