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Weather in Sterlitamak, Russia:
Our users reported weather in Sterlitamak 47 times.
Report date: 2013-02-13
Weather report time: 2013-02-13 18:28:41
Temperature: -8.0 °C / 17 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1020.0 hPa / 765 mm Hg / 30 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: Сегодня выдался отличный день, солнце весь день ярко светило. Этого достаточно...
Localization: E 54°38´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-10-22
Weather report time: 2012-10-22 23:40:41
Temperature: 9.0 °C / 48 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1002.0 hPa / 751 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: Rainy
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: because Win steering wheel with pedals
Localization: E 62°31´ N 105°19´
Report date: 2012-07-09
Weather report time: 2012-07-09 15:55:00
Temperature: 27.0 °C / 80 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 999.0 hPa / 749 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: MUY IMPORTANTE!
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-06-29
Weather report time: 2012-06-29 21:46:02
Temperature: 34.0 °C / 93 °F
Temperature measured in:
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Content
Being description: еще один жаркий день
Localization: E 62°31´ N 105°19´
Report date: 2012-06-28
Weather report time: 2012-06-28 21:01:29
Temperature: 33.0 °C / 91 °F
Temperature measured in:
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: жарко=(
Localization: E 62°31´ N 105°19´
Report date: 2012-06-27
Weather report time: 2012-06-27 21:14:36
Temperature: 25.0 °C / 77 °F
Temperature measured in:
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: bad very bad!
Localization: E 62°31´ N 105°19´
Report date: 2012-06-26
Weather report time: 2012-06-26 20:44:06
Temperature: 15.0 °C / 59 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 922.0 hPa / 691 mm Hg / 27 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: Rainy
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: ЖАрко=(
Localization: E 62°31´ N 105°19´
Report date: 2012-06-23
Weather report time: 2012-06-23 09:03:16
Temperature: 24.0 °C / 75 °F
Temperature measured in:
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: Sterlitamak
Localization: E 62°31´ N 105°19´
Report date: 2012-06-22
Weather report time: 2012-06-22 16:21:50
Temperature: 27.0 °C / 80 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 992.0 hPa / 744 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: Slightly rainy
User state of mind: Content
Being description: Russian
Localization: E 62°31´ N 105°19´
Report date: 2012-06-07
Weather report time: 2012-06-07 12:33:32
Temperature: 26.0 °C / 78 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 997.0 hPa / 747 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: закончилось сраное егэ, время ехать в питер
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-06-01
Weather report time: 2012-06-01 17:17:56
Temperature: 28.0 °C / 82 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 995.0 hPa / 746 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: diprasse
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-05-28
Weather report time: 2012-05-28 11:41:27
Temperature: 24.0 °C / 75 °F
Temperature measured in:
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: инфа - говно!
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-05-09
Weather report time: 2012-05-09 10:39:46
Temperature: 23.0 °C / 73 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1010.0 hPa / 757 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: День победы
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-05-07
Weather report time: 2012-05-07 13:08:32
Temperature: 23.0 °C / 73 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1005.0 hPa / 753 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: dsadas
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-05-06
Weather report time: 2012-05-06 14:19:53
Temperature: 17.0 °C / 62 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1003.0 hPa / 752 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: sickurilla
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-04-21
Weather report time: 2012-04-21 15:28:40
Temperature: 25.0 °C / 77 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1003.0 hPa / 752 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Content
Being description: эти волосы...
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-04-20
Weather report time: 2012-04-20 16:49:36
Temperature: 30.0 °C / 86 °F
Temperature measured in:
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: =)
Localization: E 54°38´ N 56°57´
Weather report time: 2012-04-20 12:51:37
Temperature: 25.0 °C / 77 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 999.0 hPa / 749 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Content
Being description: что за хуйня у меня на голове
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-04-15
Weather report time: 2012-04-15 11:49:28
Temperature: 25.0 °C / 77 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 979.0 hPa / 734 mm Hg / 28 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: =)
Localization: E 54°38´ N 56°57´
Weather report time: 2012-04-15 11:26:17
Temperature: 15.0 °C / 59 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1004.0 hPa / 753 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: пасха же
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-04-14
Weather report time: 2012-04-14 20:47:03
Temperature: 30.0 °C / 86 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1037.0 hPa / 777 mm Hg / 30 in Hg
Wind: Hurricane!
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: Snowy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: все круто
Localization: E 62°48´ N 104°56´
Report date: 2012-04-11
Weather report time: 2012-04-11 15:27:10
Temperature: 24.0 °C / 75 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 995.0 hPa / 746 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: ЛЕТО!!1
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-04-10
Weather report time: 2012-04-10 14:46:16
Temperature: 19.0 °C / 66 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 999.0 hPa / 749 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: ЖАРА!!!111
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-04-04
Weather report time: 2012-04-04 20:19:39
Temperature: 2.0 °C / 35 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 983.0 hPa / 737 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: Rainy
User state of mind: Content
Being description: Всюду ужасная грязь и слякать.
Localization: E 62°31´ N 105°19´
Report date: 2012-04-03
Weather report time: 2012-04-03 11:52:57
Temperature: 3.0 °C / 37 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 996.0 hPa / 747 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: фвсфыафы
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-04-02
Weather report time: 2012-04-02 12:34:10
Temperature: 6.0 °C / 42 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 993.0 hPa / 744 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: эмин
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-04-01
Weather report time: 2012-04-01 13:05:42
Temperature: 5.0 °C / 41 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 980.0 hPa / 735 mm Hg / 28 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: где солнце, блеадь?
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-03-31
Weather report time: 2012-03-31 10:55:48
Temperature: 5.0 °C / 41 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 996.0 hPa / 747 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: А вот и весна!
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-03-28
Weather report time: 2012-03-28 10:43:05
Temperature: -1.0 °C / 30 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 983.0 hPa / 737 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Content
Being description: погода :(
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-03-27
Weather report time: 2012-03-27 14:30:20
Temperature: 1.0 °C / 33 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 987.0 hPa / 740 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: Snowy
User state of mind: Content
Being description: она с ним...
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-03-23
Weather report time: 2012-03-23 12:58:24
Temperature: -1.0 °C / 30 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 992.0 hPa / 744 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: Snowy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: sadadadada
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-03-22
Weather report time: 2012-03-22 15:50:01
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 988.0 hPa / 741 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: Snowy
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: кач и только кач
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Weather report time: 2012-03-22 09:06:14
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 987.0 hPa / 740 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: Snowy
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: эйвариё
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-03-21
Weather report time: 2012-03-21 10:16:14
Temperature: 1.0 °C / 33 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 993.0 hPa / 744 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: ellesti
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-03-20
Weather report time: 2012-03-20 09:38:40
Temperature: -3.0 °C / 26 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1003.0 hPa / 752 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: типло! эта харашо
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-03-19
Weather report time: 2012-03-19 14:07:12
Temperature: 5.0 °C / 41 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 993.0 hPa / 744 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: +5 твою же мать!
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Weather report time: 2012-03-19 04:18:51
Temperature: 0.0 °C / 32 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 987.0 hPa / 740 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: tdgrgh
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-03-17
Weather report time: 2012-03-17 09:11:53
Temperature: -9.0 °C / 15 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 993.0 hPa / 744 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: ЬЛЮДГШ
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-03-16
Weather report time: 2012-03-16 16:29:59
Temperature: -2.0 °C / 28 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 987.0 hPa / 740 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: пиоапо
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-03-15
Weather report time: 2012-03-15 08:48:08
Temperature: -4.0 °C / 24 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 975.0 hPa / 731 mm Hg / 28 in Hg
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: Snowy
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: унылый день
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-03-14
Weather report time: 2012-03-14 16:23:57
Temperature: -3.0 °C / 26 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 983.0 hPa / 737 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: she loves u
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-03-11
Weather report time: 2012-03-11 09:08:08
Temperature: -14.0 °C / 6 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1009.0 hPa / 756 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: sada
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-03-10
Weather report time: 2012-03-10 14:06:44
Temperature: -8.0 °C / 17 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1007.0 hPa / 755 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Content
Being description: ыаы
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Weather report time: 2012-03-10 08:05:31
Temperature: -15.0 °C / 5 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1007.0 hPa / 755 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: she loves u
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-03-08
Weather report time: 2012-03-08 10:25:21
Temperature: -4.0 °C / 24 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1005.0 hPa / 753 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Slightly cloudy
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: 8 marta
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Report date: 2012-03-07
Weather report time: 2012-03-07 16:56:17
Temperature: -3.0 °C / 26 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 999.0 hPa / 749 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: M5 IRU IRU!
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´
Weather report time: 2012-03-07 09:17:48
Temperature: -6.0 °C / 21 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 998.0 hPa / 748 mm Hg / 29 in Hg
Wind: Slightly windy
Clouds: Cloudy
Precipitation: Snowy
User state of mind: Happy
Being description: tgryr
Localization: E 54°39´ N 56°56´