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Weather in Albir, Spain:
Our users reported weather in Albir 2 times.
Report date: 2013-04-22
Weather report time: 2013-04-22 10:51:56
Temperature: 50.0 °C / 122 °F
Temperature measured in:
Wind: Windy
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Localization: E 39°34´ N 0°4´
Report date: 2013-04-18
Weather report time: 2013-04-18 10:44:32
Temperature: 20.0 °C / 68 °F
Temperature measured in:
Atmospheric pressure: 1050.0 hPa / 787 mm Hg / 31 in Hg
Wind: No wind
Clouds: Sunny
Precipitation: No rain
User state of mind: Euphory
Being description: xD lolololol
Localization: E 39°34´ N 0°4´